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Didde Graphics Model VIP Offset Unit

Didde Graphics Model VIP Offset Unit
Schematic Number LOR Part Number Description Outside Diameter Surface Length Overall Length Press Mfg Part No. Roller Includes
01 DG-329-01 Ink Ductor Roller 1-5/8 21-1/16 22-7/8 329-734
02 S DG-534-02 Ink Form Roller 1-15/16 20-9/16 22-5/16 411-534 Ball Bearings
02 L DG-669-02 Ink Form Roller 3-3/8 20-9/16 22-3/4 411-669 Ball Bearings
03 A DG-667-03 Ink Distributor Roller 3-1/16 20-5/8 22-5/16 411-667 Ball Bearings
03 B DG-524-03 Ink Distributor Roller 2-5/8 20-5/8 22-5/16 411-524 Ball Bearings
03 C DG-616-03 Ink Distributor Roller 1-5/8 21-1/8 22-13/16 339-616 Ball Bearings
03 D DG-671-03 Ink Distributor Roller 2-1/8 20-5/8 22-5/16 411-671 Ball Bearings
15 DG-673-15 Water Form Roller (Tri Flow sys.) 3-19/32 20-9/16 22-3/4 411-673 Ball Bearings
63 DG-329-63-B Water Pan Roller (Tri Flow sys.) 2-7/8 21-9/16 24 339-638
  • Manufactured by: Lith-O-Roll Corporation

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Lith-O-Roll Press Rollers: Didde Graphics

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