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BetaColor Proofing Viewer III

BetaColor Proofing Viewer III

Measure and correct films, plates, color proofs, and press sheets.
The new BETA Color Viewer III brings revolutionary new functionality to the world's most popular color inspection visual tool. Building on the success of over 18,000 Color Proofing Viewers, Model I & Model II, in worldwide use, the all-new Color Viewer III provides a host of new features and greater benefits to the commercial printer, converter and prepress operator.

Time lost in setting register, achieving color and diagnosing print quality problems wastes materials and destroys profits. Anything that shortens the make-ready cycle has a positive effect on the productivity and profitability of the operation.

New Color Viewer III with UV

New Features:
  • See the nearly invisible yellow and other colors with contrasting LED illumination.
  • Color-Coded Push Buttons for white light inspection
  • Red, Green and Blue Channels for enhancing all colors
  • UV Channel checks for fluorescence and metamerism in ink and paper
  • High Efficiency LEDs make possible weeks and even months of effortless viewing between charging charging.
  • No more tungsten filament burn out!

Beta Color Viewer Mark III with UV
How would you like to have a gadget to show your customers that is so interesting and unique that it can virtually “shut-down” a major color printer? I’m not talking about putting them out of business, but rather all production stopped and everyone got in line to look at this gadget. Well, if it is true what an old printer once told me, “Printers are really stupid, they spend all day looking for something that they hope they don’t find,” then this gadget represents the epitome of stupidity. It will show everything they were afraid of finding, and then some.

The easy stuff
Very basically, the Beta Color Viewer is an illuminated magnifier. As such, it is used to examine film, plates, color proofs and the printed page. It will check registration, the ink-water balance, dot slur, dot doubling, gear streaks or any other “thing” that we don’t want to find, but must find before the customer does! This is just the start.

Remember the name – Beta Color Viewer. Through the utilization of color balanced LED illumination, we are able to see the primary process colors on an individual basis. By simply pushing a button, we can isolate process Yellow, Magenta and Cyan.
The three specific LED lights duplicate the old Wratten Filters that were used for color separation in the camera (If you remember how to do this, give yourself an extra point.). This enables the printer to compare dot quality, color-for-color, from negative, to proof, to plate to paper, for all those “things” they hope not to find. The Beta Color Viewer Mark III can also be utilized for examining stochastic printing and examining dot resolution and trapping.

This is where it gets good
Do you need to check if either your inks or paper are fluorescent? The new Beta Color Viewer Model III incorporates an ultraviolet light emitting diode in addition to the white, red, green, and blue ones. The emission of this UV diode coincides with the strongest absorption spectrum of commonly used optical brighteners in paper and fluorescent pigments in inks. Being "strongly absorbed" means that the energy of the light source is efficiently "used", in this case, to make the absorber in the paper and ink glow. Remember, it's not "light" unless we can see it. Once again, the gadget comes through and advises us if either the paper or the ink, or both, are fluorescent.

Another closely related area where the Color Viewer proves its value is in identifying metameric pairs of colors (two samples of colors that match under one light source but not under another light source). Most often, this is due to different UV content in the two light sources. Since the Color Viewer effectively blocks out ambient light when viewing, the light source remains a constant. For the record, inks of different composition (pigments, lakes, flushes, binders, resins) usually cause metameric pairs of colors.

The Basic - Options
The basic Beta Color Viewer Mark III with UV is supplied with a 10X-viewing lens. It may also be ordered with a 20X-viewing lens. Not strong enough? Also available are 25X, 50X, 75X and 100X microscopes with magnetic adaptor plates plates and a Video Connection to link your Beta Color Viewer to a TV monitor, giving effective magnification up to 800x, depending on the monitor.

Part # Power Reticle
OPT-CPV310 10X None
OPT-CPV312 12X None
OPT-CPV320 20X None
OPT-CPV325 25X Inch or Metric
OPT-CPV350 50X Inch or Metric
OPT-CPV375 75X Inch or Metric
OPT-CPV3100 100X Inch or Metric

*10x and 20x flat field color corrected.
Microscopes 25x, 50x, 75x, 100x mm or inch
** Price includes one optic, rechargeable batteries and charger/AC adapter.

All Beta Color Viewers, both the older Model II and current Model III use a high-efficiency universal power supply suitable for 100 - 240 volts AC, 50 - 60 Hz input.
The power supply is provided with the standard North American two-prong parallel plug, easily adapted to any other international receptacle.
The standard two prong DIN-style plug is available at on request at no additional cost.

  • Manufactured by: Beta Industries

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