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Didde Graphics Model XL-900 Offset Unit

Didde Graphics Model XL-900 Offset Unit
Schematic Number LOR Part Number Description Outside Diameter Surface Length Overall Length Press Mfg Part No. Roller Includes
01 DG-345-623-01 Ink Ductor Roller 1-5/8 20-5/16 22-7/8 345-623
02 S DG-534-02 Ink Form Roller 1-15/16 20-9/16 22-5/16 411-534 Ball Bearings
02 L DG-669-02 Ink Form Roller 3-3/8 20-9/16 22-3/4 411-669 Ball Bearings
02 L DG-669-02-LC Ink Form Roller (Linear Control) 3-3/8 20-9/16 22-3/4 736-311 Ball Bearings
03 A DG-345-540-03 Ink Distributor Roller 1-5/8 20-9/16 22-13/16 345-540 Ball Bearings
03 B DG-524-03 Ink Distributor Roller 2-5/8 20-5/8 22-5/16 411-524 Ball Bearings
03 C DG-671-03 Ink Distributor Roller (hard rubber) 2-1/8 20-5/8 22-5/16 411-671 Ball Bearings
03 D DG-667-03 Ink Distributor Roller (hard rubber) 3-1/16 20-5/8 22-3/8 411-667 Ball Bearings
15 DG-673-15 Water Form Roller (Tri Flow sys.) 3-19/32 20-9/16 22-3/4 411-673 Ball Bearings
63 DG-329-63-B Water Pan Roller (Tri Flow sys.) 2-7/8 21-9/16 24 339-638
  • Manufactured by: Lith-O-Roll Corporation

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Lith-O-Roll Press Rollers: Didde Graphics

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